Aquaman (2018)
starring Jason Momoa, Amber Heard, Willem Dafoe, Nicole Kidman
screenplay by David Leslie Johnson-McGoldrick and Will Beal
directed by James Wan
by Walter Chaw I don’t think the DCEU was done any favours by the success of Christopher Nolan’s exceptional Dark Knight trilogy, charting as it did a course of “grittiness” and topical social relevance that made the examination of its heroes’ subconscious motivations the text rather than the middle to be teased out by generations of readers. When nerd culture took the bully pulpit, in many ways it took the mantle of being a bully, too. There is literally no way to review a comic-book movie without getting death threats: woe be to you if you don’t like it–but if you do like it, you’re probably not liking it in the right way. Making lockers to be pushed into virtual didn’t, apparently, solve the problem of being a mediocre male looking to express dominance. There’s a connection here to why comic-book movies about the troubles of sad white people are less and less current, while stuff like Black Panther, Spider-Man: Into the Spiderverse, and Wonder Woman are the tantalizing hope for a positive future. No accident that minority and marginalized filmmakers have found a way forward with this genre.