Sundance ’09: Boy Interrupted
Sundance ’09: The Killing Room
Sundance ’09: Stay the Same Never Change
Mute Witness: On “Synecdoche, New York”
originally published September 14, 2008As threatened, a few stream-of-consciousness thoughts on Charlie Kaufman's latest…
When Synecdoche, New York premiered at Cannes, I remember being annoyed by how feeble the critical coverage on it was. But I get it now. This is a film I'm hard-pressed to describe, let alone review in depth, after just a single viewing. I can say that I see why Kaufman kept this one for himself rather than entrusting it to Spike Jonze or Michel Gondry—it's so dense and cryptic that it would be nigh uninterpretable by anyone but the source. Kaufman is a pretty meat-and-potatoes director, all things considered, but there are so many idiosyncrasies built into the material that it's stylish by default.
TIFF ’08: Gigantic
TIFF ’08: The Wrestler

starring Mickey Rourke, Marisa Tomei, Evan Rachel Wood, Todd Barry
screenplay by Robert Siegel
directed by Darren Aronofsky
by Bill Chambers Mickey Rourke has spent the Aughties staging a series of mini-comebacks, but they’ve mostly sidestepped his iconography in favour of transforming him into a character actor. Not so Darren Aronofsky’s The Wrestler, which is poignant largely for how it reflects and refracts the Mickey Rourke mystique. Quite aware of his film’s ghoulish appeal, Aronofsky, after spotlighting the visage of young, beautiful Mickey Rourke under the main titles, shields Rourke’s face from view long enough that even though we know what he looks like now (that detour into prizefighting and God knows how many botched surgeries really took their toll), his first close-up still causes momentary grief. But the film is not just about lost youth, Rourke’s or otherwise (44-year-old Marisa Tomei, reacquainting Before the Devil Knows You’re Dead viewers with her breasts, God bless her, plays the kind of stripper pitied by her clientele): it’s about how the culture of ’80s nostalgia–arguably the dominant culture–is like Lenny from Of Mice and Men, arrested in a childlike state and unable to resist squeezing the life out of Reagan-era totems. Wrestling, meanwhile, proves to be the perfect analogue for acting in that its Golden Age, like Rourke’s, was somewhere around 1987, the year of Angel Heart and the seminal WrestleMania III; when Rourke’s washed-up Randy “The Ram” Robinson, permanently cast out of the ring by a heart attack, challenges a neighbourhood kid to a game of Nintendo wrestling, suffice it to say the conflation of relics is nothing less than poetic.
TIFF File (Up Up and Away’d)
originally published September 7, 2008
The stars don't tell the whole story, of course, but for quick reference purposes, here's a rundown of everything I've screened so far @ this year's TIFF, followed by brief commentary:
TIFF ’08: Lorna’s Silence
TIFF ’08: The Girl from Monaco
TIFF ’08: Derrière moi
TIFF ’08: A Christmas Tale
Sundance ’08: The Wackness
Sundance ’08: What Just Happened
Sundance ’08: Red
Sundance ’08: Be Kind Rewind
Sundance ’08: Good Morning Heartache
Sundance ’08: Choke
starring Sam Rockwell, Anjelica Huston, Kelly Macdonald, Brad Henke
screenplay by Clark Gregg, based on the novel by Chuck Palahniuk
directed by Clark Gregg
by Alex Jackson Choke lost me in the very first scene. The hero, Victor Mancini (Sam Rockwell), is at a support group for sex addicts and describing all the regulars for us. There's the housewife who put mayonnaise on her crotch for her dog to lick off. There's the guy who had to have a gerbil removed from his anus. And then there's the cheerleader who needed a stomach pump after swallowing too much semen. I want to talk about the cheerleader. I think Victor said that doctors pumped two quarts out of her stomach. Considering the amount of semen in a typical human ejaculation is about 1.5 to 5 millilitres, that's a lot of blowjobs! Two quarts is around two litres, right? So she would've had to service at least 400 men. Assuming this would take about three minutes apiece, she'd have to have been at it for twenty hours straight, without vomiting up or digesting any of the semen–which, by the way, is completely non-toxic and would not require the use of a stomach pump–in the meantime. What kind of dipshit expects me to buy this? I admit I haven't read Chuck Palahniuk's source novel. I might very well be alone on this–the critics at my press screening were buzzing with anticipation and the gang over at my message board instantly recognized the title.