Money for Nothing: Inside the Federal Reserve (2013) + The Trials of Muhammad Ali (2013)
directed by Jim Bruce
directed by Bill Siegel
by Walter Chaw It's difficult to review Jim
Bruce's incendiary, scholarly Money for Nothing: Inside the Federal Reserve (hereafter
Money), because even as I was understanding the role of the Federal
Reserve Bank for the first time in my adult life (how its adjustments of
interest actually drive the economy of not merely this nation, but every industrialized nation in our rapidly-shrinking world), I found myself comparing
the film to one of those informational videos that play on endless loops in
Natural History museums. It's immensely educational…and dry as a soda
cracker. What I find to be problematic about it is the same thing I found
problematic about Al Gore's PowerPoint presentation An Inconvenient Truth:
it's not really art, is it? Not to open that can of worms, but for me, as a
personal demarcation, art inspires something like Kierkegaardian fear and
loathing–existential trembling, yes: a mirror held to nature in all the
myriad, alien, surprising, often terrifying forms that nature assumes. What Money
does, and does admirably, is explain what the hell happened to the United
States' financial institutions right around 1998 or so and continuing on into
now–explain what the bailout was and how/why it affects the average
American. Most fascinatingly, it explains how far in estimation the once
god-like Alan Greenspan has fallen in the eyes of those who worshipped
him. But while these are noble achievements, they're not enough.